The access that group coaching gives you to different viewpoints and approaches to life’s challenges and opportunities creates a climate where amazing things can happen. There is an indescribable energy of collective wisdom indigenous to group coaching. Below are the top five reasons why group coaching may be a good fit for you:
- Group coaching can be a windstorm for creativity. Sometimes the simplest question can bring more ideas and possibilities than that of one-on-one engagement.
- You meet people who are outside of your everyday circle of life. This opens the way for expanding new ways of thinking, perceiving and reflecting on areas where your life has settled into meeting expectations rather than exploring new possibilities. You have an opportunity to engage in intentional learning from people who have had experiences that are different from those in your inner circle.
- For many people, their stories are locked within them with few expressive outlets. When we work within a group, there is the chance for sharing our stories, being heard, being seen and being supported.
- You celebrate successes and breakthroughs with a supportive group!
- Group coaching makes the goal of having a coach in your toolbox attainable. It is the most affordable way to go. The more people that sign up, the more people there are to share the costs of your coach’s time, energy and products.
If connecting with a group of people with similar values and beliefs is of interest, sign up for group coaching with Toni today!